Logistics are the Foundation of Great Experiences

We believe hosting customers, partners and employees at an entertainment or sporting event (especially when your brand is a sponsor) is an excellent way to connect and build relationships. There are opportunities to build rapport in a non-pressurized and relaxed environment that is hard to come by during regular office hours.

Of course, it is not as simple as showing up - even if your event is virtual. There is the ever-important aspect of logistics, especially when hosting a group of guests. We consider logistics to be everything from registration, credentials, transportation, accommodation, event experience and safety. These elements of the guest experience are the foundations of onsite sponsorship activation.

When the logistics work, no one should notice anything other than what they are there to experience. When the logistics fail, it is all anyone will be able to speak about.

If your guests have long wait times, delays, poor transmission, unclear communication and uneasiness during their time at your event, you will have an uphill climb to show them a great time. The somewhat uninspiring aspects of getting guests from point A to B can make the difference between something remarkable and something that reminds your guests of what happens to Greg in Meet the Parents.

There are certain things you will never be able to control. You must still be prepared for these things to happen at any event. The scale is different for a group of 4 vs. a group of 700 but the concept remains the same.

If these unseen details spin your head around, consider working with a partner who considers logistics second nature. This leaves you to focus 100% on the work only you can do - hosting your guests.


Buying a Sponsorship and Not Activating It


When Sponsorships Become Partnerships